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Answers to the most important questions regarding the implementation of a whistleblower system

The holistic whistleblower solution

Comply with the guidelines of the new Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) and the GDPR. Protect your company and your employees with the bitbase group's digital whistleblowing system.

These customers already trust us

Your solution for an internal reporting center

With a reporting center at the bitbase group, you receive a modern platform that is available around the clock for confidential reports. Benefit from a team of lawyers and data protection experts, and also from

  • A secure and anonymous 24/7 reporting center
  • Timely confirmation, processing, documentation and archiving
  • QR code templates that you can display in your company
  • An immediately usable platform without implementation effort
  • A GDPR-compliant server location in Germany

Does your company need a reliable whistleblowing system?

Since July 2023, the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) has guaranteed special protection for people who uncover irregularities in their own company.

Do you employ more than 49 people? Then you are legally obliged to set up an independent, discreet reporting center by the end of 2023. Find out more about the HinSchG.

Do you have fewer than 50 employees? Then proactively set up a reporting center! This will send out a positive signal, ensure transparency and promote a positive image of your company. So, start now by setting up a reporting center with the bitbase group!

This checklist will show you how to proceed.

A message is received - what happens then?

This is how the process works via a reporting center at the bitbase group.


Whistleblowers submit a personalized or anonymous report in your reporting portal. The report can be made in person, by e-mail, by post or by telephone. Our services in this step are:

  • Acceptance of the notice
  • Confirmation of receipt with receipt identification and an outlook on the next steps, within the legally prescribed 72 hours


Our team investigates the information provided and establishes the facts of the case based on the information available. Our services in this step are:

  • Audit-proof documentation (test report)
  • Examination of the situation (legal area, responsible office or department)
  • Check for plausibility and relevance


If there is a need for action based on the results of the investigation, we will prepare an offer. If you place the order with us, our experts can take the following further steps:

  • Legal clarification
  • Clarification of immediate measures
  • Measures Recommendation
  • Communication phase
  • Follow-up measures
  • Conclusion
  • Follow-up

Your advantages at a glance

Our uniqueness lies in the combination of technology and expertise. In addition to the user-friendly reporting center, we provide you with a specialized team of lawyers and data protection experts. This is how you benefit.

Legal conformity

With us, you can implement the EU Whistleblower Directive quickly, easily and always on time. We confirm receipt of a report within 72 hours and deliver results in accordance with the legal requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act and GDPR.

Strong partnership

With us, you not only have a service provider, but also an experienced partner at your side. Our experts provide you with optimum support in all situations. If you need to take action on a case, our team will contact you immediately.

Protection of your employees

With our system, reports can be submitted 100% anonymously. Employees do not have to fear any negative consequences and can openly address grievances. A benefit for company optimization and the working atmosphere.

Reliable software

With us, you have a stable, intuitive and reliable IT system that meets the high demands of your company. We keep your tool up to date and always implement legal changes on time.


With us, you can offer your employees the greatest possible transparency, security and data protection. Each report is given a unique case identifier that enables employees to anonymously track the status and progress of their case.

Fast connection

No IT implementation required. We offer you a ready-made solution that you can easily integrate into your website.

Your prices and services that match your size

Select the number of your employees


€ 19,00*


plus 19% VAT

  • Secure and GDPR-compliant whistleblower solution
  • Confidential and anonymous tip-offs
  • Multilingual support (DE, EN)
  • 24/7 Acceptance of reports via online reporting portal or by post, also in person or by telephone during business hours
  • Compliance with legal requirements and deadlines
  • Documentation, all communication costs and the timely deletion of documents (GDPR-compliant)
  • Individual branding with company logo and color
  • Expert support, on a case-by-case basis and at cost-accurate conditions

*plus € 199,00 one-off on-boarding fee

Annual billing in advance, minimum contract term 3 years (All incoming reports must be documented in accordance with §11 HinSchG in compliance with the confidentiality obligations and archived for at least 3 years).


€ 39,00*


plus 19% VAT

  • Secure and GDPR-compliant whistleblower solution
  • Confidential and anonymous tip-offs
  • Multilingual support (DE, EN)
  • 24/7 Acceptance of reports via online reporting portal or by post, also in person or by telephone during business hours
  • Compliance with legal requirements and deadlines
  • Documentation, all communication costs and the timely deletion of documents (GDPR-compliant)
  • Individual branding with company logo and color
  • Expert support, on a case-by-case basis and at cost-accurate conditions

*plus € 199.00 one-off on-boarding fee

Annual billing in advance, minimum contract term 3 years (All incoming reports must be documented in accordance with §11 HinSchG in compliance with the confidentiality obligations and archived for at least 3 years).


€ 59,00*


plus 19% VAT

  • Secure and GDPR-compliant whistleblower solution
  • Confidential and anonymous tip-offs
  • Multilingual support (DE, EN)
  • 24/7 Acceptance of reports via online reporting portal or by post, also in person or by telephone during business hours
  • Compliance with legal requirements and deadlines
  • Documentation, all communication costs and the timely deletion of documents (GDPR-compliant)
  • Individual branding with company logo and color
  • Expert support, on a case-by-case basis and at cost-accurate conditions

* plus € 199.00 one-off on-boarding fee

Annual billing in advance, minimum contract term 3 years (All incoming reports must be documented in accordance with §11 HinSchG in compliance with the confidentiality obligations and archived for at least 3 years).


€ 109,00*


plus 19% VAT

  • Secure and GDPR-compliant whistleblower solution
  • Confidential and anonymous tip-offs
  • Multilingual support (DE, EN)
  • 24/7 Acceptance of reports via online reporting portal or by post, also in person or by telephone during business hours
  • Compliance with legal requirements and deadlines
  • Documentation, all communication costs and the timely deletion of documents (GDPR-compliant)
  • Individual branding with company logo and color
  • Expert support, on a case-by-case basis and at cost-accurate conditions

* plus € 199.00 one-off on-boarding fee

Annual billing in advance, minimum contract term 3 years (All incoming reports must be documented in accordance with §11 HinSchG in compliance with the confidentiality obligations and archived for at least 3 years).


On request

  • Secure and GDPR-compliant whistleblower solution
  • Confidential and anonymous tip-offs
  • Multilingual support (DE, EN)
  • 24/7 Acceptance of reports via online reporting portal or by post, also in person or by telephone during business hours
  • Compliance with legal requirements and deadlines
  • Documentation, all communication costs and the timely deletion of documents (GDPR-compliant)
  • Individual branding with company logo and color
  • Expert support, on a case-by-case basis and at cost-accurate conditions
  • Configurable forms

Your safety comes first!

We offer you a secure whistleblower solution that also takes into account the GDPR - see for yourself.

The most frequently asked questions about the HinSchG and the registration office

If you have more than 49 employees, you are obliged to set up an independent and confidential office, where reports can be submitted anonymously. This must be possible digitally but also in person. Once a report has been submitted, receipt must be confirmed within 7 days and the result communicated within 3 months.

According to§11 HinSchG, the processes must be documented for three years and then deleted immediately.

According to Section 12 HinSchG, all companies with at least 50 regular employees are obliged to set up a registration center. In addition to salaried employees, temporary workers, applicants, interns and trainees are also considered employees.

Our experts will get in touch with you. We will then set up the reporting center for you as quickly as possible and provide you with a website via which reports can be made. You will also receive displays with QR codes that you can place in your company so that they are clearly visible to your employees and customers. You have thus fulfilled your obligations to fulfil the regulatory requirements.

You will receive an iFrame (external HTML element) from us, which you can easily integrate into your website by a web developer. This step does not require any advanced programming skills.

For the annual fee per legal entity, we will set up a reporting center for you. You will receive a website with your company logo, which fulfils all information obligations and enables confidential reporting around the clock. In addition, we can be contacted by telephone and post during our business hours (Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00).

Documentation, all communication costs and the timely deletion of documents are also included.

We provide you with a team that receives the enquiries under legal guidance and confirms, processes, documents and archives the enquiries within the legal deadlines. If reports are required, the team is billed on a time and material basis at our regular billing rates. We limit your costs to the bare minimum.

The contract runs for at least 3 years and is automatically extended by a further year if it is not cancelled with 3 months' notice at the end of the term.

1. As an independent reporting center, we check and sort all incoming reports and then forward them to the contact person in your company.

2. As soon as the case has been processed by the persons responsible in your company, we will provide feedback to the whistleblower or keep in touch until the case has been resolved.

3. To summarize: We record, check, track, document and archive the information for you in accordance with legal requirements so that you don't have to worry about anything else.

Yes, according to Section 16 (1) HinSchG, temporary workers must have access to the registration portal.

According to Section 3 para. 8 no. 6 HinSchG, "employees" also include all "employee-like persons". This must also include rejected applicants and those who have been dismissed. If you want to be on the safe side legally, make the portal accessible to them as well. In our opinion, the law must be interpreted broadly in order not to miss the objective of the Whistleblower Directive. According to Art. 4 (2), (3), EC 39 of the Directive, these groups should also be expressly protected.

According to Section 16 (1) sentence 3, the registration office may be opened voluntarily to other persons who are in business contact.

By then at the latest, applicants, terminated employees, customer employees and interested parties will be among the authorized persons. The reporting center must be set up in such a way that they are aware of it and can use it sensibly.

We therefore recommend publicly integrating the reporting center on your website and thus effectively countering all legal uncertainties and expected developments and interpretations of the law with a sustainable measure. A publicly accessible reporting portal ensures optimum transparency and also supports the company's reputation, both with regard to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LKSG).

Talk to our experts.

We will be happy to advise you and look forward to your questions.

our experts

Your registration office team