ISMS – Information Security Management System

Cyber threats and data loss: strengthen your company!

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Companies and organizations process large amounts of sensitive information: This includes personal data of customers and employees, financial data, annual reports, strategy papers or even secret product innovations.

An ISMS helps to protect all this data - from unauthorized access, theft, manipulation or espionage.

Work with us to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your information while minimizing the risk of security incidents. Our experts support you in setting up an ISMS and also assist you with the implementation of ISO certifications, e.g. ISO 27001.


7 steps to an information security management system. Many companies are now obliged to operate an ISMS. What exactly needs to be considered and what does the path to an ISMS look like?


18. Juli 2024

04. September 2024

24. September 2024

10. Oktober 2024

22. October 2024


11:00 – 11:45 a.m.

10:00 – 10:45 a.m.

14:00 – 14:45 p.m.

11:00 – 11:45 a.m.

14:00 – 14:45 p.m.


Markus Vatter

Head of Compliance
bbg bitbase group GmbH

Test areas of our audits

Evaluation of current information security with regard to the three most important protection goals:


Ensure clear guidelines: Who is authorized to access sensitive data and how?


Protection against unauthorised manipulation, theft or deletion of information.


Information and systems must be available to authorized persons at all times.

Good reasons to entrust us with your ISMS

  • Expertise and experience: Our experts have extensive experience in information security management.
  • Efficiency and time savings: Save time and resources for training and implementation - we organize the process efficiently and quickly.
  • Independent assessment: We offer an unbiased assessment of your security measures as we are not involved in the day-to-day business.
  • Up-to-dateness and compliance: With us, your ISMS remains up-to-date and meets the latest standards and all compliance requirements.
  • Continuous support: We offer long-term support with regular audits, training and advice.

Cyberattacke! Und was jetzt?

If a cyber-attack occurs, action must be taken quickly and efficiently. We are at your side, analyze the incident, initiate countermeasures and help to quickly resume normal operations to prevent major damage.

  • Rapid response: Our team is at your side in the event of IT security incidents.
  • Analysis & expertise: Together we solve the incident with specialist knowledge and experience.
  • Documentation & recommendation: We document the incident, and you receive our recommendation for action with specific implementation measures.
  • Prevention & protection: Prevent recurrences with our customized security solutions.

Our offer

How we support your company in establishing your ISMS.

External Information Security Officer (ISO)

Advice and support in setting up an ISMS

Introduction and implementation of elementary ISMS processes

Creation of company-specific security guidelines

Clear specification of the roles and rights of the ISMS scope of application

Actual recording of the three most important protection goals of the information security standard

Risk assessment and introduction of a risk management system

Continuous monitoring and improvement process

Planning and implementation of regular audits

Documentation of all risks and incidents

Support and preparation for ISO 27001 or TISAX®

Employee training


We are the right partner for your certification. As experienced ISMS consultants, we know our way around and know what is important. We support you in developing a suitable strategy and accompany you all the way to certification. In doing so, we rely on ISO 27001 and TISAX®.


We work with you to develop a security concept tailored to your needs. Internal audits are used to identify weaknesses that have become apparent during the analysis of the framework conditions and risk management.


We specify IT security measures and create implementation concepts with short, medium and long-term steps for holistic security realization. Organizational, infrastructural, personnel and technical aspects are taken into account.


We work closely with you to implement IT security measures based on our extensive experience and expertise.


The implementation of the IT security concept is followed by continuous monitoring in order to maintain and improve the security level. This is done by regularly monitoring the measures using defined key performance indicators (KPIs).

Frequently asked questions

Information security refers to the protection of information and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction. The main objective of information security is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. This means ensuring that only authorized persons can access information (confidentiality), that the information remains correct and unchanged (integrity) and that the information is available at all times when it is needed (availability). Information security comprises a variety of measures, including technical, organizational and personnel measures, to identify, assess and minimize risks to information security.

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a comprehensive framework for managing, controlling and monitoring information security in an organization. It is a systematic approach to protecting and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and data.

An ISMS consists of a set of processes, policies, procedures and technical measures aimed at identifying, assessing and addressing risks in order to maintain or improve information security at an acceptable level. The typical components of an ISMS include:

  • Risk management: Identification of potential threats, vulnerabilities and risks to information security and implementation of measures to minimize risks.

  • Policies and procedures: Development and implementation of policies, procedures and standards that define the organization's security requirements.

  • Monitoring and compliance: Monitoring compliance with security policies and procedures and conducting audits and assessments to ensure compliance with internal and external requirements.

  • Incident response: Establishment of mechanisms to recognize, respond to and recover from security incidents or breaches of information security.

The implementation of an ISMS is often defined by international standards such as ISO/IEC 27001, which provide guidance on how to establish, implement, monitor and improve an information security management system. The introduction of an ISMS helps organizations to achieve their information security goals, minimize risks and strengthen the trust of customers, partners and other stakeholders.

The time it takes to set up an Information Security Management System (ISMS) can vary greatly and depends on various factors: The size and complexity of the organization, the resources available, the level of maturity of the security programme, the specific requirements and objectives, and the type and scope of the standards or frameworks chosen.

Typically, the development of an ISMS can include the following phases:

  1. Planning and initiation: In this phase, the objectives of the ISMS are set, responsibilities are defined, requirements and resources are assessed, and the project plan is drawn up.

  2. Risk assessment and treatment: Potential risks are identified, assessed and prioritized in order to plan and implement appropriate security measures.

  3. Design and implementation of policies and procedures: The organization develops and implements policies, procedures and controls in accordance with the requirements of the ISMS framework.

  4. Training and sensibilization: Employees are trained and sensitized to security awareness and compliance with the ISMS guidelines

  5. Monitoring and improvement: The ISMS is continuously monitored, evaluated and improved to ensure that it meets current security requirements and objectives.

The time required for each phase can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. In some cases, it may take several months to set up an ISMS, while in other cases it may take years, especially for larger organizations with complex security requirements. It is important to note that the process of building an ISMS is ongoing and requires continuous monitoring and improvement to meet the ever-changing threat landscape and business requirements.

An IT security officer is a person in a company or organization who is responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring information security measures. The role of the IT security officer can vary depending on the organization, but generally includes the following tasks:

  1. Development of security policies and procedures: The IT security officer is responsible for developing security policies and procedures that support the organization’s information security objectives. This includes setting standards for accessing IT resources, using passwords, backing up data, etc.

  2. Risk assessment and management: The IT security officer carries out regular risk assessments to identify and evaluate potential security risks. Based on these assessments, they develop strategies and measures to minimize and control risks.

  3. Implementation of security measures: The IT security officer is responsible for implementing security measures to ensure the organization’s information security. This includes technical measures such as firewalls, encryption and intrusion detection systems as well as organizational measures such as training for employees and awareness campaigns.

  4. Monitoring and incident response: The IT security officer continuously monitors the organization’s security infrastructure in order to detect and respond to security incidents at an early stage. This includes setting up monitoring systems, analyzing security incidents and coordinating response measures in the event of a security incident.

  5. Compliance and auditing: The IT security officer ensures that the organization complies with the applicable security standards and regulations. They provide support in the preparation of security audits and checks and ensure that the necessary compliance measures are implemented.

The role of the IT security officer requires technical expertise in information security as well as an understanding of the organization’s business requirements and risks. It is crucial for protecting IT systems and data from cyber-attacks and other security threats.

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) offers a variety of benefits for organizations that implement it. Here are some of the most important benefits:

  1. Holistic approach to information security: An ISMS provides a systematic and holistic approach to managing information security in an organization. It enables a structured approach to the identification, assessment and treatment of security risks.

  2. Risk minimization and protection of sensitive data: By implementing an ISMS, organizations can identify potential security risks and take appropriate measures to minimize these risks. This helps to protect sensitive data and information from unauthorized access, theft or misuse.

  3. Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements: Many industries and countries have specific legal and regulatory requirements relating to information security. An ISMS helps organizations to understand, meet and demonstrate these requirements by providing clear policies, procedures and controls for compliance.

  4. Improving employee security awareness: An ISMS often includes training and awareness programmes to increase employee security awareness and inform them about security risks and best practices. This helps to reduce human error and minimize the risk of security incidents.

  5. Strengthening the trust of customers and partners: Organizations that implement an ISMS demonstrate their commitment to information security and can strengthen the trust of their customers, partners and other stakeholders. This can have a positive impact on business and offer competitive advantages.

  6. Continuous improvement of security: An ISMS is based on the principle of continuous improvement. Through regular monitoring, evaluation and adaptation, organizations can continuously improve their security level and respond to changing threats and requirements.

Overall, an ISMS provides a structured framework for managing information security that helps organizations to protect their assets, minimize risks and strengthen the trust of their stakeholders.

The relationship between an information security management system (ISMS) and data protection is closely linked, as both aim to ensure the security and integrity of information, albeit with a different focus.

  1. Protection of personal data: A key objective of both ISMS and data protection is the protection of personal data. While the ISMS generally aims to protect all types of information, data protection focuses specifically on the security and privacy of personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

  2. Risk management: Both ISMS and data protection are based on a risk management approach. The ISMS identifies, assesses and addresses security risks for all types of information, while data protection focuses specifically on the risks associated with personal data, including unauthorized access, misuse or loss.

  3. Compliance: An ISMS helps organizations meet the security requirements of various legal and regulatory frameworks, including data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. By implementing an ISMS, organizations can implement security controls and procedures to meet data protection requirements and ensure compliance.

  4. Data protection as part of the ISMS: In many cases, data protection is treated as a specific element of the ISMS. This may include the development of data protection policies, procedures and controls that specifically target the protection of personal data. By integrating data protection measures into the ISMS, organizations can develop a coherent and comprehensive security strategy that addresses both general and specific data protection requirements.

Overall, the ISMS and data protection are two interrelated aspects of information security. A holistic approach that takes both aspects into account is crucial to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, including personal data, while ensuring compliance with applicable data protection regulations.

Talk to our experts.

We will be happy to advise you and look forward to your questions.


Markus Vatter