The FIDEST research project.
Last year it received an award and this year it was successfully completed: We are referring to the joint research project FIDEST of the ESB Business School at Reutlingen University, which was conducted under the leadership of Prof. Anja Braun and in research partnership with the bbg bitbase group.
The topic of the project was the development of a framework for the intelligent design of securely distributed applications. The aim was to enable users of medium-sized and small companies with little expertise to model their application using an intuitive editor and to automatically generate an optimal, executable skeleton code for the developed framework. This framework is intended to be ready for distribution based on decentralised security technologies, such as blockchain, smart contracts, but also 2-factor authentication. "FIDEST thus enables, for example, a business analyst who has no expertise in IT security technologies to go from an application idea to a secure, executable code frame within a few hours," says Nicolas Fahr from the bbg. And Prof. Braun adds: "Such security technologies otherwise require several weeks."
In summer 2021, Prof. Braun received the "Excellent Technology Transfer Neckar-Alb" award from the Institut for Wissensmanagement und Wissenstransfer (Institute for Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer) of the Reutlingen Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the research project.
For the bbg, the successful completion of this project is not just the final of a great partnership. The results also serve in a very practical way to strengthen our innovative capacity and expanded competences. They also represent a valuable competitive advantage and access to entirely new markets. What's more, the implementation of FIDEST identified a research gap for which another collaborative research project is in the pipeline.
However, the FIDEST software is only one of many research and development projects in which we are involved or which we are significantly driving forward. We will soon be presenting all of our numerous projects on a separate landing page. There you will find detailed information on topics, project goals and results. Watch this space!
Funded by ZIM, funding code: F 4709502MS9