Also in 2022 we own the seal of the most innovative companies in Germany
A success in a row: For the second time after 2021, the bitbase group receives the TOP 100 seal of the most innovative companies of the German medium-sized businesses in 2022. In a strict testing process, we were able to convince the organizer of the award compamedia and the innovation researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team of our innovative strength with our products and solutions again this year. As always, the researchers based their assessment of the bitbase group on around 120 criteria from five categories: Innovation-promoting top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation/open innovation and innovation success. As in the previous year, the auditors were convinced that we belong to the innovation elite of Germany's medium-sized businesses.
The seal will be officially awarded on June 24th in Frankfurt/Main. At the German SME Summit, the top innovators of 2022 will be honored by science journalist and competition mentor Ranga Yogeshwar.